Monday, June 6, 2011


I seriously can not believe my little sister is graduating from high school. We are eight years apart in age, but she carries herself with an air of confidence and dignity that many women learn much, MUCH later on in their lives (if at all). Ever since she was born she's been my inspiration.

Long before I had my own babies, I had my sister to help raise. I took care of her from the day my parents brought her home from the hospital. I made it my mission to make sure she had everything she needed to succeed.

As she grew older, we stopped being just sisters and became best friends. I brought her everywhere with me. When I went to Foss, I brought her with me to my extracurriculars as often as I could. I didn't want to just leave her bored at home. I think she was only seven the first time she helped out in ASB. Then, there were the cheer clinics and carwashes. Yep, she was there with me too. Washing tires and standing on the sidewalk with a car wash sign!

When I was old enough, I chaperoned tons of her field trips and dances. I even took her and her fabulous group of friends to their first homecoming at Foss. Then treated the entire group to Ihop afterwards! There wasn't anything I wouldn't do.

The event that really pushed her to greatness was my moving to California. I broke the situation down for her and told her it was what I needed to do. It was the hardest thing to leave her behind, but I knew it would only make her stronger. Her friends are amazing, and I knew they would have her back after I left. I was SO right.

I try my hardest not to preach or tell her what she should or should not do with her life. I am supportive no matter what, but if she's going down the wrong path, of course I'll let her know. Tactfully, making sure I allow the final decision to be made by her alone. Works every time.

We have an amazing relationship. I've never seen her as someone below me. We've always been equals. I am so proud of her and the extremely LONG list of accomplishments she has under her belt, and she isn't even 18 yet.

She has become a true inspiration for my children, both academically and socially. I couldn't ask for anything more in a sibling.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

THAT Mom's Guide to Flying With Your Kids

Up, up, here we go!

If there's one thing I've become a pro at, it's flying solo with my kids. I've been back and forth from SoCal to Washington a number of times with them already. Four times to be exact (the first time I was 6 months preggo, so that definitely still counts!) Here are my top tips when flying solo with your kids:

Do your research: Visit the TSA website ( before your trip and read up on the latest air travel rules and regulations, especially if you haven't flown with your kids before, or if it's been a while since your last flight. Also, don't hesitate to call the customer service number your airline has provided you if you have any specific questions.

Documents: Have your ID ready, along with copies of the kids' birth certificates when you're checking in. You'll need to present your tickets and ID again at security, and again of course, before boarding the plane. Also be prepared for some Q and A by the airport staff. They will quiz you about your kids to make sure they're really yours. 

Stroller: I used one when Leah was younger and I had a lot more stuff to haul. First time flying with both kids, I brought my MacLaren double. Second time with both kids, just a single. I made Janin walk. This time around, I  skipped the stroller all together. It's such a nightmare going through security with one. My kids can walk now and Leah hates sitting in it anyway.

If you DO need to bring a stroller, you CAN use it within the airport. But the downside to this is that you DO have to unload everything, fold, and stuff it into an x-ray machine at the security check (nightmare). Once you make it past security though, it's great! Your airline will check the stroller in for you once you're ready to board the plane and have it ready right when you get off. Pretty nice deal. You CAN also check it in with your baggage (double joggers especially) if you don't really need to have it in the airport.

Carseats: No point in bringing a carseat on board for your child to sit in. They have to be airline approved anyway, and not all are. Check it in with your baggage. There should NOT be an additional charge for this, but some airline companies are sneaky. Southwest and JetBlue have no fees, for sure. Check the details of your airline in advance so you don't end up with any expensive surprise fees.

Distractions: Definitely a must. Bring tons of stuff to occupy the kids while on the plane. I bring workbooks and new pens/pencils, because where else are my kids going to sit still for two hours? I have their complete and undivided attention. Time to learn something! Small toys, electronics, special yummy treats, and stickers are also nice to have on board. I made them each a special little bag with their own goodies in it this time. I totally recommend it. Reduces bickering! I also sneak their favorite stuffed animals in my bag for some extra cuddly comfort during the flight.

Bring their earphones. Especially if you fly with Jetblue or any other airline with a tv on the headrests. They charge $2 for a set now. Lame.

Snacks: Pack your own. Airport food is expensive. No juice boxes or other liquids of course (I think there's an exception for breastmilk and formula, but be sure to check). And be prepared for security to search and test your baby food and bottles, if you bring them. I've seen it happen.
Also, bring empty sippy cups! I always make sure to pack a cup for each kid. Less chance of a messy accident during the flight. Trust me. You'll thank me later.

Security: Always a slow point. Especially if you have tons of baby stuff with you. I always make sure my electronics are easily accessible (they ask that all be pulled out and put in a bin by themselves). I'll use a big freezer bag to keep them in (cell phone, cameras, gaming systems, etc), making it super easy to grab. Shoes must come off, so make sure to pick ones that are easy to take off and put back on. Jackets, sweaters, and even flannel shirts must come off. Last time we flew, security searched Janin, my 4 year old son, because he was wearing a flannel shirt. They don't play. If your child DOES end up being searched, watch them like a hawk. I'll be damned if anyone touches my kids, but if it must be done, please believe I will make sure it's done respectfully.

Make sure everyone goes potty and/or gets a fresh diaper BEFORE boarding the plane. Tiny bathrooms are such a pain. And some airlines don't even have changing tables.

Hand sanitizer and wipes: I wipe down everything when we get to our seats. I don't like germs.

My number one tip: ALWAYS ALLOW PLENTY OF TIME BEFORE YOUR FLIGHT! You never know what kind of delays to expect, especially if you have kids with you. This is especially true during holidays, when airport congestion is at it's worst. We nearly missed our flight home when we were out in WA for Christmas because there were just too many cars and people everywhere. Save yourself a HUGE headache and get there about an hour and a half early. I can not stress this enough. Be early.

I hope this helps if any of you are planning on flying this summer with the kids. Mine always have a great time going on the plane. Remember, this is an exciting time for most children. If you're well prepared, Supermom, you will ALL have a great trip. Happy flying!

Bon voyage!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The secret to being SUPER!

Why yes, I am a member of team "Supermom," but what does that really entail? Just because I'm amazingly talented and ridiculously crafty does that make me a "super" mom? Definitely not. I was this fabulous before my minis. They just unleashed my creativity and I cannot be more thankful for that. My kids (and their cute little friends!) are my inspiration. Yes, I use my creativity to aid in my Mom-ing, but there's so much more to it than that.

I'm super because I know I am. That's it. That's my secret. If you know you're fabulous, everyone else will too. You carry yourself differently if you handle your daily business with confidence. EVERYTHING you do for your family makes you a Supermom. Think super, and you'll be super. Call it a "Mommyswag," if you will (even though I cannot STAND that word, swag, lol).

My friend and amazing writer, Ranny Kang, wrote a great blog the other week. It was about a woman's right to brag about her accomplishments instead of constantly trying to lessen them. She says:

"As women, we've been conditioned to talk about what's wrong rather than what's working. We dim our light--dilute our accomplishments--because we don't want to make anyone feel bad or make ourselves look bad."

I've done this. Constantly. I did it so much I lost myself for a while. Since then, I've learned that moms especially have to celebrate ourselves a lot more often than we allow. No one understands the trials a mother goes through unless you're a mom as well. We need to rally together and share our accomplishments, no matter how small, because seeing other moms succeed gives me the drive to take myself to the next level of "Supermom" status. That's the truth.

Fact: I'm always catching up with my favorite "Supermoms" on Facebook. I love seeing the creativity of my crafty moms, the delicious dishes of my foodie moms, the amazing precious moments felt by new moms whose babies reach a new milestone. I look up to all you other mommies so much. So please, take a moment to appreciate yourself, Supermom. You definitely deserve it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rant time.

Rant time.

I always do more than what is expected of me. This is true with absolutely everything I do. Work, my kids, my crafts. Everything I create and put my name on is a true labor of love. I don't sit, I don't whine, I don't cry about my responsibilities. I know what I get myself into everyday and I am fully capable of handling my business gracefully, and with a smile.

I'm probably going to get flack for this blog, but whatever. It needs to be said! I just don't get how people can be lazy! How does someone do that? If you're getting offended by my rant, then good. You probably need to take your left hand, raise it up, and slap yourself with it. I'm glad to be hitting nerves. You don't ever get to where you want to go in life by just sitting around and waiting for something good to come along. Life does not wait for the lazy. If you're not out there, actively looking for that opportunity of a lifetime, it's just never going to come to you. Sorry.

I see life differently than most. It could be because of the whole childhood cancer deal. A lot of the memories that were repressed are coming back to me now that I'm an adult (SO psych! I love it). Actually, I know I see the world through different color lenses because no one knows the value of life until yours is nearly taken away.

At Janin's opening day of T-ball last Saturday at Eastview, they retired the number of a young boy who lost his battle with lymphoma. Same type of blood cancer I had. That could have easily been me 22 years ago. So why did I make it?

I am here for a reason. I don't care how long it will take me to get to where I want to be in my life. Just know that I WILL get there through my hard work and tireless commitment to my family and responsibilities. Can you say the same for yourself?

My ultimate goal in life is to bring birthday parties and joy to kids stuck in the hospital on their birthday. That's all I want to do. If there's anyone down to help me with this little project, I totally encourge it. Nothing feels better than giving away something you put your heart into and seeing a kid smile. Nothing else even matters. Email me if you're awesome and want to donate your time and craftiness.

I am not perfect, nor am I by no means mom of the year. I'm just real people, trying to make my voice be heard.

What are you doing with your life?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Potty Party Re-cap!

What a fabulous day! I live for parties, so when I found out I had been selected by to host a Huggies Pull-Ups Potty Dance Party, I was absolutely estactic! They sent me a BUNCH of goodies to pass out to my guests:

Thanks Huggies and!

Gift bags, all nice and pretty.

Elliotte whipped up tri-tip AND ahi tuna tacos. YUM! They were a huge hit with our friends and party guests. Let me know if you're local and need catering! We're trying to buy a food truck...

Grown-up food
And what would one of my parties be without a pinata?! I had to do something fun and crazy. So, I made a pinata that looked like a roll of toilet paper! Then, I filled it with Yo Gabba Gabba boy briefs and Hello Kitty girlie panties I wrapped to look like giant candies! So. Much. FUN!

FYI: Pull-string pinatas are best for toddlers!

The goods! You can see the undies wrapped in pink tissue! Janin is holding a blue one.

What a great party idea. I highly encourage anyone potty training to host a potty party of their own!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Project April.

I am SO happy to report to everyone that my friend and super mama April V is expected to make a FULL recovery from the stroke and the following 3 1/2 hour neuro surgery she underwent at the UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center late Friday night. My family and I went to visit her on Saturday and she looked as if nothing had even happened to her. What a miracle. Thank you to everyone who said a prayer for my friend as it clearly made a huge difference in the outcome of her story.

This terrifying event in our lives was really a life changing and eye-opening experience for me. April is a healthy, young, energetic, active mother. Just like me. Our kids share the same interests and hang out together all the time. When I found out April was in the hospital for having a stroke, I was beside myself with fear. All I could think was: "What if this had happened to me? Who would take care of my kids?" and "But she was JUST at my house! She was JUST fine! Why is this happening?"

I knew I had to get a hold of myself. I channeled the fear I felt about April's situation into an idea. This past Friday I started Project April (#ProjectApril on Twitter) in an attempt to help offset the medical costs I knew April would incur from this hospital stint. I was determined to make something happen for my friend. Moms have to stick together. I set up a listing for those shirts I told you all I was going to sell on Etsy for April. And once she's feeling up to it maybe we'll even hear from April herself about the stroke and recovery period.

In the meantime, I beg for everyone to see April's stroke as a lesson that life is not something one should ever take for granted. You are not guaranteed to live a certain number of years on this earth. Don't be afraid to take that crazy chance or go out on that very far, and ridiculously unstable limb. If it means failing a couple times, so be it. Growth and learning derive from failure. At least, that's how it is for me.

Thank you all again for your show of support. I know April truly appreciates it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

April needs our help.

April and Milo. December 2010.

My friend and fellow crafty mama April V is fighting for her life. Just this past Monday she came over and we talked about joining forces to revolutionize the party game. On Wednesday, she dropped off a fabulous mixer. On Thursday, she had a stroke. As she fell, April hit her head on a hard object. As a result, there is a pool of blood in her brain, though I don't know all the details.

She is being transferred to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center because they've been recognized by the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association for their commitment in caring for and treating stroke patients.

April is a young and fabulous stay at home mom. What happened to her is just... I have no words to describe how I feel right now. I am devestated. As a mom, all I can think about is her son and what would happen to my family if something like this ever happened to me. That's why I decided to organize a fundraiser.
Last week, I asked April to make me a PDF that I could use to make "that mom" t-shirts that I was just going to give to my fabulous mommy friends. Well, now I think the shirt has an even bigger purpose. I'm going to get these shirts made and ALL proceeds from them will go towards helping April's family pay for medical bills. Stay at home moms don't have health insurance. So, I'm hoping we can all help a mama out.

Here's an image of the design:
Designed by April V. February 18, 2011.

I'm currently looking around and trying to get the best rate on the shirts. If anyone has any connects in this department, PLEASE let me know. Also, if you're interested at all in purchasing a shirt and helping a mom in need, please leave me your email address as a comment on this post. Once I have the shirts I'll email everyone a link to complete the purchase. This will hopefully be by the middle of next week.

I need input as to how much people are willing to pay. I'm thinking $25? And $2 extra if I have to ship it. I also need people to help me spread the word. I'm also working on several other fundraising ideas, so I'm asking all my crafty mommy friends for help right now too. Email me at:

What really boggles my brain is that she was just FINE the other day. This could happen to anyone. April has one son, Milo, who loves Yo Gabba Gabba and Cars. I'm trying to get some fun things going for him too, because I'm sure he's probably wondering what's going on with his mom.

If everyone reading could just say a little prayer for April, I'm sure it would really make a difference in her recovery. Thanks you guys.