Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Move over Martha...

That's right. I said it. It's time for someone new to mix things up a bit in the name of today's modern stay at home mom. I decided that I would be that person. I'm fun, relatable, and can totally craft circles around ol' Martha any day.

When I'm all fancy and famous, I would totally be a Sandra Lee (my Food Network IDOL), Martha Stewart, Rachel Ray hybrid. I love how Sandra Lee is about semi-homemade cooking. That's how I am too. It saves me time and money and everyone always thinks I'm a fabulous cook/baker at the end of the day. Rachel Ray has that bubbly personality and I love 30 minute meals. Then of course, there's Martha. The domestic goddess herself. She's the BEST and I want to be that too...

One day. The ball is already rolling.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yo Gabba madness...

I am so excited this morning! I finally finished my fabulous DJ Lance pinata! My BEST work to date. Check it out!

DJ Lance Rock!

Complete with magic Gabba boombox.

"Hello, Friends!"

I've gone Gabba CRAZY since seeing them live in concert. My daughter is still talking about the show! I knew I had to make a DJ Lance pinata. Doesn't it totally make you want to have a dancey dance party?!