Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Why are you SO into YGG?!"

Today is the day we've been waiting a LONG time for in my house! We got our Gabba Live tickets presale WAY back in August! Now I'm sure many of you are thinking: "Seriously, Michelle, why are you SO into that crazy kid's show?!" Well,  I thought it would be an appropriate day to share that story. So, in the words of the great DJ Lance, "Let's do it! A-break it dooown!"

Ok, I'll admit it. I was scared of Yo Gabba Gabba at first. Janin loved this show when he was a baby, but I wouldn't let him watch it because DJ Lance freaked me out! I would IMMEDIATELY change the channel when those now-infamous orange kicks started shuffling across the screen. Then one day, I was very pregnant with Leah and couldn't find the remote.  I was forced to sit through an entire episode (the Family episode, with the Roots as special musical guests) and was blown away. I remember thinking, "Wow, The Roots? That's pretty sick!" This show really WAS awesome!

Let's fast forward now, to when my daughter was an infant. She CONSTANTLY needed to be held. By me. And only me. I don't have any babysitters or family out here in SoCal, so it was just me and the kids all day, everyday. Tedious at times, to say the least. I could never do anything because my arms were always tied up with Leah. The only thing that would distract her long enough for me to handle my chores and business around the house was Yo Gabba Gabba. I discovered this accidentally when she was about 7 months old. Since then, she's been hooked. I seriously owe the Gabba crew my sanity.

November 5, 2009

I constantly feel the need to defend the Gabba gang from injustice! So, here are a few more reasons why I LOVE Yo Gabba Gabba.
  • Yo Gabba Gabba is intrinsically hip hop. I love this about the show. What other kid's show has a DJ? And Biz's Beat of the Day was Leah's favorite part of the show for a really long time. The songs on Yo Gabba Gabba ride on beat-driven music that makes my kids want to get up and dance every time the show is on. And I like it because it's not annoying! Barney? No way. Not in my house.
  • YGG is so good at utilizing catchy, repetitive songs to teach kids easy life lessons. Who out there didn't benefit from "Don't bite your friends?" I know we did! Leah was a biter! Every episode also has awesome musical guests and visitors to help get kids on their feet. There's seriously a song for every occasion - and yes, I do have them all memorized!
  • Kids can totally relate to the Gabba crew. Each has his or her own distinct personality. My favorite is Plex, because he's super smart and regulates when things get a little crazy in Gabbaland! Leah of course loves Foofa and Toodee, she is a girly girl. Janin is a fan of Muno's!
  • Bright colors and an amazing set are definitely eye catching for toddlers! For Leah's first birthday, I KNEW I had to plan a Gabba party.The characters are super easy to replicate! Okay, so maybe I'm the only one that appreciates this, haha! Makes for easy crafting, baking, and custom clothes!
Now, I'm not saying this particular show is the best around, or the most educational for kids, but it's fun and entertaining and a definite family favorite in my home. Can't wait for the concert today! I'm such a big kid.  


  1. That's super awesome Michelle!! In our house we don't have cable and i seriously haven't watched a full episode because as you felt the dj scares me!! lol But if I take a break and look at it I might understand what the show is all about! I remember watching the Rugrats and freaking out when I saw the beginning theme song and switched the channel as fast as my fingers would let me! I hope you have an awesome time today at the concert and GOD BLESS you and your family for being a family i wish to learn the love and support that you show each and everyday! LOVE YOU!
